Electric Vehicles

All the latest in the world of EV charging infrastructure.

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Believ brings the UK’s northernmost ultra-rapid charger to Scottish Highlands

Believ has installed what is thought to be the UK’s northernmost ultra-rapid EV charger at a hotel in Halkirk, Scotland. 

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UK Power Networks trials new incentives for EV smart charging

UK Power Networks has recently trialled new incentives for electric vehicle owners that could help balance the grid.  

Megger debuts EVCC300 electric vehicle charger checker

The new EVCC300 from Megger is a convenient and easy-to-use all-in-one tool for checking the electrical safety of domestic EV chargers.

Europe’s largest EV charging hub opens in Oxford

Europe’s largest EV charging hub has officially opened in Oxford, with the project offering the ability to fast charge up to 42 vehicles. 

UK businesses set to invest £13.6 billion in EV transition in 2022

Businesses across the UK are set to invest an estimated £13.6 billion on the transition to electric vehicles in 2022.

Changes in electric vehicle charging installation and what they mean for you

What are the latest changes in electric vehicle charging installation legislation and why we need more qualified installers.

How the UK can lead the green industrial revolution with a world-leading EV industry

Stephen Lambert highlights the technologies that are trickling down from motorsport and could soon revolutise consumer electric vehicles.

Homes with electric vehicles consume far more energy than average

Recent research suggests that homes with electric vehicles are consuming far more electricity than the average household.

Audi hails charging hubs as a success, confirms expansion

Audi has committed to expanding its modular charging hubs following a successful pilot program in Nuremberg, Germany.

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