When only the highest accuracy will do

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Current and voltage transformers (generally referred to as instrument transformers) have been used for measurement and protection purposes in electricity grids for more than 100 years. They have always worked reliably but changes in power networks – keyword: smart grid – have led to greater levels of accuracy being required, which must be verified through testing.

To date, instrument transformers have needed to be removed, replaced by a provisional solution, and then transported to a laboratory for testing. This can obviously take a lot of time and costs a great deal of money, which has caused many to shy away from such testing altogether. However, Omicron offers testing systems which allow highly accurate, automated inspections in line with the appropriate standards and which can be used directly on site.


Instrument transformers as testing and protective equipment
Current and voltage transformers serve measurement and protective purposes. They convert relatively high currents and voltages into low, safe, and easily measurable values, while at the same time electrically isolating high voltage and secondary equipment. Instrument transformers are therefore, key elements in the accurate recording of energy flows in power grids.

Strict requirements
Ensuring security of supply and fault-free operation, means compliance with strict requirements in terms of operational 
reliability. After all, the goal is for the transformer’s accuracy to remain constant and for it to require as little maintenance as possible throughout its 40-year service life. Class requirements therefore have to be met, otherwise, safety-related faults can occur, which in turn can generate high costs and jeopardise safe operation. Added to this is the fact that transmission networks are increasingly being converted to smart grids creating new requirements in terms of flexibility, transmission performance and feed options.

Unparalleled products

Omicron has developed many special capabilities in the field of instrument transformer testing technology. The time, effort and money that instrument transformer testing used to involve, often prevented regular inspections from taking place. But Omicron now offers systems which allow simple on-site testing and enable operators to meet many diverse transformer testing requirements.

Omicron Electronics UK
01785 251 000

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