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The University of West London has recently completed a carbon reduction project, which saw the installation of 580 solar PVT panels.
The Government’s deadline for net zero is unlikely to be met by the majority of UK firms if they continue along the same trajectory. 
There are problems ahead if the UK Government continues to promote heat pumps as the preferred replacement for gas central heating.
Cornwall Insight has warned that the ongoing energy crisis could have a negative effect on the investment towards net zero.
Ellis Patents says that a business’s green credentials will soon play a major role in its success.
The UK is at risk of losing almost 660,000 jobs to other countries if the Government doesn’t accelerate its transition to net zero.
The National Audit Office has released a scathing review of the Green Homes Grant, noting that it was over ambitious and poorly executed.
Storegga's efforts to develop innovative carbon reduction and removal technology on UK shores have received a boost.
Waste luminaires have achieved an impressive 83% recyclability rating in a study commissioned by Recolight.
While the cost of net zero could be billions, it's a small price to pay to combat the impact of climate change.

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