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- Gossage
Storegga's efforts to develop innovative carbon reduction and removal technology on UK shores have received a boost.
- Gossage
CENELEC will be charged by the European Union to come up with an Artificial Intelligence Act, but are they up to the task?
- Gossage
The Tories lost a relatively safe seat on East Suffolk Council to a Green Party candidate, who opposes expansion at Sizewell.
- Gossage
Conservative backbenchers are pushing the Government to limit China's involvement within the UK's nuclear power industry.
- Gossage
The Government keeps delaying its decision surrounding gas boilers, which is causing confusion in the building community.
- Gossage
Let’s take a look at what the UK Government got wrong and what it got right in the 2006 Energy White Paper.
- Gossage
It turns out that women in California are ditching their electric vehicles at alarming rates, as they go back to fossil fuels.
- Gossage
IETA tried to predict the price of carbon carbon in Europe, with its forecast being way out of current prices.
- Gossage
A new white paint has been created that manages to reflect 98% of sunlight and infrared heat, and it could reduce reliance on AC.
- Gossage, Opinion
Elon Musk’s claim to be working tirelessly towards a zero emissions future took a knock when Tesla opted to spend $1.5 billion on bitcoins.