First partner member announced by Cibse

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The Society of Digital Engineering (SDE), a society of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (Cibse), has announced Autodesk as the first member of its Partner Membership scheme, launched to provide a collaborative basis for co-operation to the real benefit of the digital community.

 The Partner Members will enjoy the benefits of being part of the SDE community as well as being associated with the SDE presence at events such as Cibse Build2Perform Live this November.  Benefits also include input into Cibse Digital Engineering publications, access to training materials on digital engineering and listing on the SDE website.

First Partner Member, Autodesk, sees the value in interacting with building services engineers and technicians.  Autodesk’s Steve Butler says, “We immediately saw that this society could bring us closer to our users and appreciate the rigour that Cibse brings to the building services sector: people trust it when it says Cibse on it, and the SDE is an extension of that.”

 Carl Collins, digital engineering consultant to the SDE said: “We welcome one of the largest building services software vendors to the society and look forward to working with them and others to push forward the abilities of digital engineering in our sector.”



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