Testo marks 60th Anniversary

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Testo, a provider of portable and stationary measurement solutions, is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year.

The motto of the jubilee year is: Testo says thank you. “We can look back on six decades of dynamism and successful pioneering as a high-tech specialist. Numerous employees, customers and business partners contributed to the long-term growth and success of the company. That is why the 2017 anniversary year is under the motto, Testo says thank you,” explains Testo CEO Burkart Knospe.

Daniel Auer, managing director of Testo also added his gratitude, “Testo UK would like to add its thanks to all UK customers and distribution partners for their ongoing support and business.”

To mark its 60 year anniversary Testo took on a worldwide charity challenge, with the aim to get fitter as a team and raise money for a great cause.

Testo UK challenged its employees, friends, family, customers and business partners to run, cycle or walk to help achieve our target of 25,000 km and raise money for Treloar School & College for young people with physical disabilities.

Testo are incredibly pleased to announce that thanks to its dedicated team they have completed the challenge and achieved their target. In October, Testo employees, Treloar’s staff and some of the students who will directly see the benefits of this donation joined together in celebration of this achievement. Testo’s managing director, Daniel Auer, was delighted to donate a cheque for the sum of £10,000 to Treloars’ director of fundraising, Jon Colville.

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