Carlo Gavazzi gets religious experience

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Carlo Gavazzi has provided a building automation system to the North London Assembly Hall for Jehovah’s Witnesses.

The objective was to provide a system to open and close roller shutters fitted to windows and doors, and to control entry/exits gates from a central location. Distributed I/O modules were fitted at each point where control was required and then connected to a central controller over a Dupline 2 wire bus. Although a new data cable was installed, it was possible to use a variety of existing cables, thus keeping installation cost to a minimum.

“Security is a major issue in any environment, especially when a building is not occupied for long periods of time, so we were delighted the Dupline system only took two weeks to install,” commented Ken Adamson, electrical installer, for the North London Assembly Hall.

The system has reduced the time taken to open-up and lock-down the building as it can now be controlled from one central panel in the security .

The Dupline concept is suitable for future expansion or upgrade, as the wiring is already in place, it is simply a question of adding more I/O modules.

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