1bn investment scheme from Central Networks

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Central Networks, the electricity distribution company for central England, is preparing to start a £1bn investment programme in its electricity network over the next five years.

The company will also take on over 600 new staff over the next three years to deliver its investment programme.

Servicing 4.8 million customers, Central Networks was formed in April 2004 when its owner, E.On UK, merged East Midlands Electricity with Midlands Electricity.

The managing director, Bob Taylor, said: “Our regulator, Ofgem, has given us the green light to invest £1.2bn in the electricity network and improve supplies for customers across the Midlands. The increased investment (of around 55%) is needed because of greater demand in the area and particularly to replace parts of the electricity network, some of which are over 50 years old. The extra investment is excellent news for all our customers in the East and West Midlands. It is a huge boost to ensure the network is sustained and improved.”

Work programmes will include improvements to rural overhead lines and urban networks, as well as a number of multi-million pound infrastructure projects across the region.

Following on from the success of its apprenticeship scheme, Central Networks also hopes to forge close links with schools and colleges across the region.

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