Wave and tidal power to supply National Grid in three years

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The UK’s first large-scale wave and tidal farms could contribute to the National Grid in three years as the result of a £42m support scheme, announced this week by the energy minister, Mike O’Brien.

The £50m Marine Research Deployment Fund, announced in August, will fund the scheme and support the UK’s wave and tidal industry to construct demonstration farms. O’Brien said: “The marine renewables sector is at a critical point in its development from pipe dream, through R&D, to commercial viability.

“The UK is already by far the most attractive place to develop these emerging technologies. The government has invested £15m in R&D and it’s now clear that there are a number of exciting wave and tidal projects on the verge of pre-commercial operation.”

Philip Wolfe of the Renewable Power Association, whose Ocean Energy Group represents wave and tidal energy companies, said: “This will enable British industry to maintain world leadership in this crucial renewable energy sector. We are particularly pleased that the DTI has worked so closely with the industry and other stakeholders in developing this scheme.”

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