Southern Electric under watchful eye

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Energywatch says some of Southern Electric’s sales representatives are still using deceitful tactics to dupe people into changing their tariffs.

The consumer watchdog issued a public warning about such activity last year but says complaints are still being received.

When the representatives call at homes, they claim to be part of an independent agency investigating complaints from residents about their high utility bills. They read the meter and ask the homeowner to sign a form that says the meter has been checked. In fact, the form is a contract with Southern Electric.

The director of energywatch NE, Carole Pitkeathley, said: “This is appalling… energywatch contacted Southern Electric about other cases days ago and yet today we find out from other consumers that these representatives working on behalf of Southern Electric are still operating in this disgraceful manner.

“Many of the consumers who have contacted energywatch are elderly and have been very distressed about a stranger entering their home in this way; this is wholly unacceptable.”

The watchdog wants all consumers to make contact if they believe they have experienced these tactics. The organisation can also provide information on the Priority Service Register Scheme for the elderly, disabled and chronically sick, which provides a free annual safety check, help with meter readings, and a password scheme that will deter bogus callers.

Consumers can contact energywatch on 08459 060708.

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