
The latest articles exploring how we generate, transmit, distribute and manage power.

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UK’s power grid failing to keep pace with development, risking growth

Britain’s electricity infrastructure is failing to keep pace with development, according to a new study from Savills Earth. 

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£7 million cable network upgrade set for South London

UK Power Networks is set to replace 4.5 kilometres of underground cables between Sydenham Park and Churchfields Road in South London.

UK Government lifts ‘de facto’ onshore wind farm ban

The UK Government has removed restrictions on onshore wind farms, a move announced by the new Chancellor, Rachel Reeves.

How grid sensors can assist DSOs with distributed renewables

Borzoo Mardani recently explored the pivotal role of grid sensors in modernising energy distribution networks at Powered On Live 2024.

Electricity North West to host inaugural women’s careers day

Electricity North West is launching its first ever women's careers day next month, aiming to address the gender imbalance within the sector. 

How new technologies are enabling us to balance the grid

Ben Godfrey, Director of Distribution System Operator at National Grid, recently kicked off Powered On Live 2024 with a keynote on day one. 

UK Power Networks honours veteran electrical engineers

UK Power Networks has celebrated a cohort of electricity workers, who between them have a combined 1,480 years of service.

Mission Zero Coalition offer pathway to net zero for next UK Government

The UK needs to go faster and further in upgrading the country’s electrical infrastructure, according to a new report.

Two thirds of renewable energy projects fail to pass planning

Between 2018 and 2023, over 60% of renewable energy project applications in Great Britain did not advance through the planning stage. 

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