What’s holding back battery energy storage connections?

Charles Deacon, Managing Director at Eclipse Power Solutions, explores how to get more battery energy storage connected to the grid. 

How can the construction industry get ready for fleet electrification?

Mer UK's Natasha Fry looks at the drivers and challenges behind electrifying the construction sector, and offers advice for those looking to electrify.

How European data centres can thrive in the era of grid uncertainty

Billy Durie, Global Sector Head for Data Centres at Aggreko, shares practical guidance on how data centres can bridge the growing energy gap.

How repurposed second life batteries are key to a more sustainable future

Tania Saxby, Head of Sustainability at Connected Energy, explores the sustainability benefits that come from using second life batteries.

How to power the UK’s public EV charging infrastructure

Asif Ghafoor, CEO of Be.EV, argues that the Government should let the private sector lead the way in rolling out the UK’s EV charging infrastructure. 

How on-site energy generation could generate additional income

Vish Sharma, Head of Power Purchase Agreements at npower Business Solutions, builds the case for installing on-site energy generation. 

The important role AI has to play to achieve our climate ambitions

Charlotte Enright explores how AI is being used – and could continue to be used – in helping us achieve our climate ambitions. 

How Simmtronic successfully retrofitted its manufacturing site

In this case study, Simmtronic explores how it integrated smart technology into its manufacturing site and boosted its energy efficiency.

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