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Critical Insight 2022: Battery energy storage and on-site sustainable generation

Brian Clavin from Total Data Centre Solutions explores the topic of battery energy storage systems at Critical Insight 2022.

Why electric vehicles will be the gateway drug to energy independence

Tom Callow, Head of External Affairs, myenergi, explains why electric vehicles will be the gateway drug to energy independence.

Solving the energy and climate crises through microgrids

Could microgrids help solve the current energy and climate crises? We discussed it with an expert panel at Powered On Live.

Rethinking the role a UPS can play in the data centre

At the recent Powered On Live event, Jason Yates detailed how the UPS could potentially play a larger role than just being a back-up.

How does the UK solve renewables’ intermittency problem?

At Powered On Live, a panel of experts discussed how the UK's grid could deal with the intermittency of renewables.

Why machine learning and data is key to a net zero grid

Jon Berry from Western Power Distribution details the technologies that are helping get the grid ready for net zero.

What are the risks with arc flash and how do you mitigate the consequences?

Jeremy Gadd highlights the risks associated with arc flash and how people could mitigate the potentially deadly consequences.

How has electrical safety evolved since the Grenfell Tower disaster?

Martyn Allen details the importance of strong regulation, robust testing and buying legitimate products to prevent electrical fires. 

What challenges lie ahead for the grid’s transition to net zero?

At the recent Powered On Live, we gathered a panel of experts to discuss the challenges that will face the grid in the net zero transition.

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