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The Lighting Industry Association (LIA) discusses how lighting can help support economic recovery and the goal of a net zero economy.
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10 steps that up your green credentials and save you money? Look no further, Michael Rossman is here to tell us how.
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With energy usage increasingly becoming a focus for businesses and industry, what else can you do to help you meet your target?
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What if an electrical contractor was given the opportunity of turning a potential bad debt write-off into positive cashflow?
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Low-carbon microgrids can help firms meet their energy demands without depending solely on the national grid.
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From temperature to building occupancy; sensors are having an increasing effect on a building’s operational performance,
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James Mountain, director at Fire Shield Systems, explores the lesser known risks associated with electric and hybrid electric vehicles.
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A carefully thought out strategy is key to getting the most out of your uninterruptible power supply, according to Centiel UK.
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What opportunities are ahead for the electrical industry in building a rapid charging network fit for the UK's full electrification plans.
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The economic recovery from Covid-19 is important, but so is the UK's quest to achieve net zero emissions - there should be no compromise.