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Why it’s time to think about the cyber-physical security of electrical infrastructure

Steve Green explores the importance of both physical security and cybersecurity in protecting unmanned electrical and power infrastructure. 

The Internet of Things: a passing fad or the future of technology?

Steve Janssens discusses the evolution of the Internet of Things and how to fully harness the technology’s capabilities. 

Getting the grid ready for net zero

Roger Hey, Electricity System Manager at Western Power Distribution, explains the task ahead for energy networks in the quest for net zero.

Why windfall taxes are not the only solution to the energy crisis

Dan Atzori, Research Partner at Cornwall Insight, had some thoughts on the UK Government's announcement of a windfall tax.

Key attributes of sustainable UPS and critical power systems

Marc Garner, VP Secure Power Division, Schneider Electric, UK & Ireland, has some tips for being sustainable and maintaining power continuity

Why it’s not always wise to just install the best UPS on the market

Aaron Oddy from Centiel UK explains why simply installing the best UPS on the market and calling it a day is not always the wisest decision. 

How to use ECO mode on an uninterruptible power supply

Exploring an uninterruptible power supply’s ECO operating mode and whether the potential energy savings are worth any reliability trade-off.

Why now is the time for lighting to switch on the circular economy

Amanda Speight explains why sustainable initiatives aimed at promoting the circular economy should be a priority for the industry in 2022.

How battery energy storage could help reduce the reliance on the grid, save money

Pete Bevils explains how battery energy storage could help reduce the reliance on the grid and save businesses money.

How UPS technology could help balance a grid full of renewables

Russ Barker describes how the UPS could be perfectly placed for balancing a grid increasingly made up of intermittent renewables. 

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