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Solar power capacity has likely hit 1 TW globally

In this week's Gossage Gossip, our columnist discusses the highly likely scenario that solar power capacity has hit 1 TW globally.

Northern Powergrid’s bill error in Halifax could have cost it dearly

Our columnist discusses the recent bill error that impacted the residents of Halifax, with Northern Powergrid forced to trust its customers.

Caroline Lucas forced to rephrase Sizewell C question due to unreliable source

Our columnist explores a recent parliamentary question from Caroline Lucas, and Parliament's high opinion of the Daily Mail.

Is carbon capture and storage just a massive scam?

Our Gossage Gossip columnist asks: Is carbon capture and storage going to reduce carbon emissions, or help fossil fuel companies?

Is British Gas misselling ‘green energy’ to its customers?

Our Gossage Gossip columnist explores the carbon credits that British Gas has been buying while promising its customers 'green energy'.

The most recent nuclear fusion milestone may not be for the benefit of humanity

In this week’s Gossage Gossip, our columnist discusses the potential motives behind the recent nuclear fusion experiment.

Are University reports really as trustworthy as you thought?

In this week’s Gossage Gossip, our columnist exposes the potential breach in trust coming from Universities and their research papers. 

Will Sizewell C be able to overcome its many, many challenges?

Given the huge challenges Sizewell C faces, will it ever be built? That's the question our Gossage Gossip columnist tries to answer.

Why Conservatives can’t blame Labour for the country’s lack of new nuclear

In this week’s Gossage Gossip, our columnist discusses the famed opposition David Cameron had for nuclear power.

‘Zero carbon’ boilers of today are nothing but a marketing scheme

In this week’s Gossage Gossip, our columnist discusses the falsehoods some boiler manufacturers have been telling regarding ‘zero carbon’ boilers. 

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