Levels of satisfaction high

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The Hanham Hall development consists of 185 new homes located at South Gloucestershire. All new homes were constructed by Barratt Homes to comply with the Zero Carbon Homes definition.

Bsria, as an organisation, is ISO registered and is – in the main, – a test, instrument, and consultancy body for those in the construction and building services sector.

Bsria has completed assessments on Hanham Hall – including assessment of the performance of the properties in-use for energy and water consumption, construction quality, indoor environment and collected occupants’ opinions on their new homes.

Information on site demographics, levels of occupancy in the different properties, and occupants’ levels of satisfaction with their new homes was collected through occupant surveys. Post-occupancy energy and water consumption of all properties was monitored for three years, using wireless sensors recording data at five minute intervals. 

Responses indicated the majority of residents were very satisfied with the performance of their properties. Overall, the respondents reported that their heating, electricity and water bills have been “much lower” compared to bills in their previous homes. 

 CO2 levels monitored in a sample of 10 properties indicated “good ventilation rates” for all the different design typologies. Thermal conditions within the sample properties showed “comfortable temperatures” maintained throughout the year with “no overheating”.

 Peter Tse, business manager, (pictured) said: “Bsria was delighted for the opportunity to evaluate this flagship large-scale housing scheme set against the 2016 zero-carbon standard. This extensive evaluation – including occupant surveys, analysis of energy and water consumption, fabric assessment and review of indoor environment – will provide Barratt Homes with an insight into the performance of their new home designs and support a roadmap for future sustainable, energy efficient living.”


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