The Carbon Trust has announced new developments to the Energy Technology List, which includes additional qualifying technologies. Amendments have also been made to criteria in some technology categories:
New Technologies and sub-technologies:
Air to Air Energy Recovery
Compact Heat Exchangers
HVAC Zone Controls
Boilers — Gas fired Condensing Water Heaters
Heat Pumps – Gas Engine Driven Heat Pumps
Heat Pumps – Ground Source Heat Pumps
Refrigeration – Air Cooled Condensing Units
Amendments to existing criteria:
Heat Pumps
Boilers: Burners With Controls
Refrigeration: Packaged Chillers
Refrigeration: Commercial Service Cabinets
Refrigeration: Refrigerated Display Cabinets
Warm Air and Radiant Heaters:
Overhead Radiant Heaters
Warm Air and Radiant Heaters: Packaged Warm Air Heaters
The Energy Technology List details the energy-saving products that can qualify for Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA), a tax relief that allows businesses to deduct 100% of their qualifying capital expenditure against their taxable profits in the period of the investment.
The list currently includes over 6,000 products, which meet published energy saving criteria.
Further information is available from the ECA website