HMI Enclosure Systems for the Process Industry

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Using standard enclosure sections that can be linked together, Rittal offer a complete customised solution for the Human Machine Interface (HMI) in the process industry, with an arm system, monitor and keyboard ready to integrate and connect.

The range of Optipanel enclosures are available in a variety of enclosure sizes and depths with coupling outlets on the top, bottom or either side. Selected couplings and arm systems, such as the stainless steel CP-S system can then be connected according to weight loads. A range of wall, enclosure or floor mounting couplings complete the enclosure / arm system.

A monitor can be integrated into the enclosure either LCD or TFT (resistive touch screen) in 15” (1024 x 768 pixels) or 17” (1280 x 1024 pixels) with a brightness of 250cd/m2.

Input devices, such as the Rittal IP65 rated stainless steel keyboard or foil keyboard can be mounted into the keyboard enclosure or placed on a keyboard attachment. A separate attachment allows the use of the IP68 inductive mouse and pad providing a high quality, flexible operator friendly system.

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