IET Wiring regulations updated to provide greater clarity

IET BS 7671 Wiring Regulations

The Institution of Engineering and Technology and the British Standards Institute have released a new version of the IET Wiring Regulations, with a few changes to help make the regulations clearer than ever. 

Dubbed as a ‘Corrigendum’ to BS7671, there aren’t any new regulations being announced as part of the update, rather there have been some minor corrections. This is simply to ensure that those working in the industry have the clearest information possible to do their jobs effectively. 

The Corrigendum has made changes to five areas of BS 7671, with the new version of the IET Wiring Regulations set to come into effect from its official publication date of May 15, 2023. The areas with changes are as follows:

  • Regulation 422.2 has been amended to clarify the scope of the provision.
  • Indent (ii) of Regulation 443.4.1 has been removed. The term safety service, formerly included in Regulation 443.4.1 (ii), encompassed a wide range of systems. The provision, therefore, had unintended consequences for improvements to fire safety systems within installations.
  • Table 443.2 and the Note to Regulation 534.4.1.1 have been amended to remove examples of equipment.
  • Regulation 701.1 has been amended to remove the reference to birthing pools.
  • A new Regulation, 710.422.2.201, has been included in order to modify requirements in Regulation group 422.2 for protected escape routes in healthcare facilities.

Mark Coles, Head of Technical Regulations at the IET, noted, “The IET is the authority for electrical installations in the UK and ensures that the National Wiring Regulations Committee carefully considers all necessary updates to the Regulations to ensure they best meet the needs of the industry. This Corrigendum is intended to correct misunderstandings, remove perceived barriers and ensure that peoples’ safety comes first.”

Dan Palmer, Associate Director, Committees, at BSI, added, “BSI is proud of our longstanding relationship with the IET to support high standards of safety for the benefit of all. We have been partnering with them on the Wiring Regulations for more than 30 years and recognise the importance of keeping them updated.”

The new version of the IET Wiring Regulations will be available for free to download from the IET and BSI upon release.

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