JTL hopes to boost apprenticeship uptake with new campaign

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JTL has announced a new campaign that it hopes will help encourage school-leavers into taking an apprenticeship. 

Dubbed, A Trade is Always with You, the campaign reminds students due to receive their A Levels and GCSE exams results later this month of an alternative option to continuing the traditional route of academia by applying for an apprenticeship, which would take them into a trade that can provide them with a career for life.

Allowing learners the chance to combine practical training with studying, apprentices can earn a wage whilst they learn. With apprenticeships taking four years to complete, learners can then expect to earn on average around £32k per year once qualified as either an electrician or a plumbing & heating engineer.

Learners who opt to train with JTL can be matched with an employer if they do not already have one in place when they apply. They will also be assigned a training officer and an apprentice support officer to support them throughout their apprenticeship journey. In addition, they will receive a complimentary starter toolkit and free study books, as well as access to JTL’s online Power Up short-course resources and Tune Up short films.

Liam Sammon, Director of Learning and Innovation at JTL, noted, “August is an important month in the educational calendar, with many school and college leavers questioning which next step is the right one for them. Our new campaign highlights the benefits of an apprenticeship and encourages those looking at their options to seriously consider a career in the trades. The idea that you can earn whilst learning and avoid the significant debt of university is an extremely attractive prospect, especially when teamed with the opportunity that a job in a trade can mean a career for life.

“During the four years of an apprenticeship, learners will be equipped with the technical and work skills that not only allow them to thrive and progress within their career in the construction industry, but in the day-to-day projects they take on.”

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