Did the IEA overestimate Germany’s energy policy?

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In this week’s Gossage Gossip, our columnist assesses whether the International Energy Agency’s review of each nation’s energy policy is as thorough as it should be.

Every few years, the Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA) undertakes a full-scale review of each nation’s energy policy. Whilst the final publication always has to be ‘agreed’ by the relevant national government, such formal reviews are usually accepted to be the most rational and authoritative synopsis of just how sensible and far-sighted (or otherwise) each national energy policy is.

The latest review of German energy policy was issued less than two years ago, late in 2020. The IEA’s adulatory press release concluded, ‘Energy security remains a focus area for the IEA, and Germany has maintained a high degree of oil, natural gas, and electricity supply security.’

I think we can safely reckon that such wonderful complacency, particularly regarding Russian supplies, would be unlikely to be received so generously now.

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