Automated testing of interlockings and SCADA Communication with StationScout 2.10

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OMICRON has announced a new update to StationScout, which unlocks some pretty impressive new features. 

Testing of interlocking conditions and similar logic in IEDs plays a major role in factory- and site acceptance tests (FAT/SAT). To speed up testing of interlocking conditions, StationScout allows you to define your test cases including expected results during preparation in the office and run them on your system with automated execution of control commands and automated assessments. The assessments include checking values from logical nodes like CILO, issuing switching commands, and checking the command response and switch state.

Another crucial step in testing an SAS is verifying that all signals from the signal list are correctly received and displayed at all destinations. With its simulation features, StationScout can especially speed up factory acceptance tests where only parts of the SAS are available. To quickly create signal tests, you can directly import signals from your signal list and let StationScout create the test steps for switch states and single-point status signals.

Test steps for measurements can manually be added afterwards. These test plans can also be re-used during the SAT to visualise and assess the IEC 61850 signal flow. During engineering and FAT/SAT, IED configurations will likely be supplemented and adapted, which also means that the SCL file will be updated. StationScout allows you to re-import single IEDs or the whole substation configuration from the updated SCL file while keeping your test cases and custom signal names.

We have also taken your feedback into account for further optimizations and bug fixes. The system diagram can be customised now. Several time zones are supported, the handling of test cases was improved.Get the latest update of StationScout free of charge here.

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