Scolmore Group joins SELECT as an associate member

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Scolmore Group, a manufacturer and distributor of electrical wiring accessories and lighting, has officially joined SELECT, Scotland’s largest construction trade association. 

SELECT currently has more than 1,250 member businesses, who between them have an annual turnover of around £1 billion. Scolmore will be taking associate membership with the organisation, joining the likes of Aico, Megger and Thorn Lighting. 

Iain Mason, Director of Membership & Communications at SELECT, noted, “We are delighted that a company of Scolmore’s prestige and reputation has been so keen to join our scheme, which is aimed squarely at encouraging partnerships that will benefit the whole electrical industry.

“Designed to accommodate organisations who don’t meet the usual criteria of membership, the scheme gives some of the industry’s biggest names the opportunity to ally themselves with an established and successful trade body.

“At the same time, it will allow us to build stronger relationships with organisations that can offer relevant and useful services to our members.”

Barry Taylor, Sales Director for Scolmore Scotland and Northern Ireland, added, “We are proud to be associated with SELECT, an organisation which shares many of our values, as well as our dedication to skills, quality and technical expertise.

“SELECT has been serving its member companies well for more than a century and has a richly-deserved reputation for being ahead of the curve when it comes to technical innovation, members’ interests and meaningful communication.

“We hope to be able to expand and develop our relationship with SELECT’s 1,260 member companies in a spirit of cooperation and collaboration.”

The SELECT scheme, which was formally launched on January 1, is open to service providers, manufacturers and any other commercial organisations related to the electrical industry. They do not have to be UK-based and may have a European or international remit.

Among the benefits are a prominent logo and biography on a dedicated section of the SELECT website, networking and promotional opportunities, the chance to host webinars and events and the ability to promote goods and services via a wide range of member communications.

Mason concluded, “SELECT has always been a strong advocate of collaboration and cooperation within the construction sector and we believe this new initiative will allow our existing members and new Associate Members like Scolmore to enhance and expand their networks to everyone’s benefit.”

Founded in 1900, SELECT was the first trade association in the world to serve the electrical industry and is today regarded as an exemplar in the construction sector, especially in the fields of training, technical skills and communications.

It delivers a wide range of services to around 18,500 professionals and apprentices, trains more than 3,500 electricians each year, and is committed to regulation of the electrical industry for a safer Scotland.

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