Easy on-line partial discharge measurement, analysis and temporary monitoring

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OMICRON describes how its Montesto 200 can ensure accurate and simple on-line partial discharge measurement to ensure electrical assets are always at their best. 

The constant availability of medium- and high-voltage electrical assets used in the generation, transmission and distribution is important for a reliable power supply at both utilities and also in industrial plants. Partial discharge (PD) is one of the major contributors to the degradation and failure of insulation systems in electrical assets.

Because PD activity is often present well in advance of insulation failure, asset managers can assess it over time and make informed strategic decisions regarding the timely repair or replacement of the equipment before a failure occurs. PD measurement and analysis are therefore essential to ensure the reliable assessment of insulation condition and the long-term operation of electrical equipment.

Although users consider PD detection and monitoring as beneficial for trending insulation conditions in electrical assets, the system installation and data analysis were often too complicated and time-consuming for the average user. In addition, users wanted a system that is more flexible for short-term and long-term use on multiple assets, rather than investing in multiple systems. That is why OMICRON decided to develop a portable on-line PD measurement and temporary monitoring system that is easier to install and use on a wide variety of assets in the field.

One system for various applications

OMICRON’s Montesto 200 combines on-line PD measurement and temporary on-line PD monitoring functions into one portable system. The IP65-rated Montesto 200 can be used both indoors and outdoors for insulation condition assessments on various medium-voltage and high-voltage electrical assets under load, including motors and generators, power transformers and power cables. This versatility makes it possible for users to invest in only one system for assessing the insulation condition status of electrical assets throughout a utility or industrial plant.

Plug-and-play connections to various PD sensors

Montesto 200 is designed for use with a variety of PD measurement sensors from OMICRON and other suppliers, including coupling capacitors for rotating machines, bushing tap sensors and UHF drain-valve sensors for power transformers, as well as high-frequency current transformers (HFCTs) for power cables.

These PD measurement sensors can be permanently installed and connected to MONTESTO 200 via OMICRON’s Terminal Box, which is also permanently installed at the asset. This enables safe and convenient plug-and-play connections while the asset is online to avoid unnecessary downtime during setup.

Various application areas

Montesto 200 is intended for use by asset manufacturers, maintenance teams at utilities and industrial sites, as well as service providers for convenient on-line PD diagnostic measurements and analysis as well as temporary PD monitoring over selected periods of time to trend PD activity. The two-in-one solution can be used, for example, to clarify asset insulation issues during warranty periods; to periodically check insulation condition during an asset’s service life; to identify insulation issues that require immediate attention; to observe assets at risk over extended periods of time; and to plan maintenance and investment based on asset condition.

You can learn more about the Montesto 200 at www.omicronenergy.com/montesto200

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