Recolight reaches recycling milestone, with third of a billion lights recycled

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Recolight has hit a milestone in its quest to recycle old fluorescent and LED lamps, with the company having funded the recycling of a third of a billion lights since 2007. 

The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment recycling regulations were introduced in 2007, with Recolight helping the lighting sector remain compliant. The third of a billion lights it has helped recycle since 2007 is enough waste to fill the Royal Albert Hall 12 times, and prior to the scheme’s introduction, could have all been headed for landfill. 

This milestone has been made possible with the commitment and support of Recolight Lighting Producers Members, together with collection and recycling partners.

Operating as a not for profit compliance scheme, Recolight’s funds are used to finance a free lamp collection and recycling service for all business end-users. A free luminaire recycling service is provided for Recolight’s Producer Members. This way of operating goes above and beyond the strict legal requirements of the WEEE regulations.

Nigel Harvey, chief executive of Recolight said, “Our Members and collection partners can be very proud that they have achieved this milestone. Their role is integral in making sure we meet the Recolight recycling targets and it is a testament to their dedication to improve lighting recycling in the UK.”

For Recolight, as for so many organisations, there has been no year like 2020. The critical task for the Recolight team as lockdown started, was to maintain its service for the lighting producer members of its WEEE scheme, and for its collection partners.

Thankfully, Recolight’s waste lamp collection service continued almost uninterrupted – although clearly the number of collection requests it received dropped significantly. That is particularly pleasing because it materially reduced the risk of any waste lamps being sent to landfill during lockdown.

Having recycled more lamps, LEDs and luminaires in total than all other UK WEEE schemes combined, Recolight can claim, with some justification, to be the leading WEEE compliance scheme for lighting.

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