NICEIC & ELECSA partner with ECA to deliver free webinar on furlough scheme

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NICEIC and ELECSA will partner with ECA to deliver the second in a series of business support webinars aimed at supporting electrical contractors.

The next webinar, which takes place on Friday 1 May at 11 am, will examine all the latest advice surrounding the government’s furlough scheme. Open to all, this session will answer contractors’ questions and provide specific guidance on how the support programme applies to the electrical contracting industry. 

“As the economic realities of the Covid-19 continue to take hold, it is vital that all electrical contractors have access to sound and tailored advice,” said Darren Staniforth, senior technical presenter NICEIC and ELECSA.

“The landscape is moving at pace, and while the government’s furlough scheme has been well documented in the media, we are acutely aware that there are still a lot of unanswered questions surrounding the eligibility criteria and the process associated with claiming grants.

“By way of supporting our registrants and the broader electrical contracting industry, we have partnered with the ECA to deliver expert tailored advice to our sector.  

“Please join myself and ECA’s director of employment and skills, Andrew Eldred, on Friday to get the answers you need to make the right decisions for your business.”

The previous webinar, which explored the financial support available to small businesses and sole traders, is available to watch on-demand via the NICEIC and ELECSA websites.

To register, please visit


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