Chauvin Arnoux Miniflex: For flexible measuring and monitoring

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Chauvin Arnoux’s latest Miniflex range provides flexible measurement and monitoring for AC current.

Current sensors in the latest Miniflex range from Chauvin Arnoux provide a convenient and versatile way of measuring AC current in single- and three-phase systems without the limitations of conventional current transformers and clamp meters. 

The sensors require no direct connection to the circuit under test and are suitable for making individual measurements or for permanent installation in monitoring applications.

Each sensor is in the form of a thin flexible element that operates as a Rogowski coil. The sensor is simply looped around the conductor carrying the current it is required to measure, which means it can easily be used in applications where access is difficult and there is too little space to accommodate a clamp meter.

The sensor is complemented by an interface module, the output of which is connected to an ordinary digital multimeter with an AC voltage range for individual measurements, or to a power analyser and logger for longer term monitoring.

The Miniflex range includes three models. The MA110 is a single-phase version and can be supplied with sensors 170, 250 or 300 mm in length. It can measure currents from 0.08 A to 3,000 A in four ranges that are selected on the interface module. 

The MA130 is a three-phase version which is supplied with three 250 mm sensors and measures currents 0.5 A to 3,000 A in three ranges. 

The third model is the MA200, a specially designed high-frequency version that can be used for measuring harmonics and supply disturbances at frequencies up to 1 MHz. This model is particularly well-suited for use in conjunction with an oscilloscope or power quality analyser.

All sensors in Chauvin Arnoux’s innovative Miniflex range have 600 V CAT IV or better safety ratings in line with IEC 61010, and all are supplied complete with batteries, user manuals and calibration certificates.



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