NICEIC responds to Covid-19 pandemic

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NICEIC has revealed a series of changes to its planned activities and working practices in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, including an optional payment holiday for contractors, a switch to remote assessments and changes to planned training and event activities.

NICEIC announced that registered contractors who currently pay via monthly instalments have the option to defer fee payments for three months. Those utilising the offer will see payments pause until July with the outstanding monies then being spread over the remaining months of this year.

“We fully appreciate the stress Covid-19 is placing upon businesses and individuals,” said Kevan Parker, NICEIC managing director.  

“The last few weeks have been a stressful and worrying time for all. The growing seriousness of the pandemic situation continues to raise questions and create new challenges.  

“To date, we have focused on ensuring the safety of our customers, staff and the wider population putting processes in place to help protect lives. Now that our remote assessments are up and running, and our training and events schedules have been postponed or cancelled, we are putting all of our efforts into supporting our customers and their businesses as best we are able in these challenging of circumstances.  

“One stage in this process relates to finances, and we hope that today’s announcement will provide some relief to those facing difficulties. Moving forward, we will continue to develop our services to support our contractors providing up-to-date advice and guidance as the situation evolves.” 

Until further notice, NICEIC will cease to deliver face-to-face assessments. Those contractors who are due for an annual assessment will have the option to conduct the session via video conferencing solutions, or reschedule their appointment free of charge. This temporary change has been implemented to protect all parties.  

“Our remote model allows us to continue to safely verify current competence,” said John O’Neill, NICEIC technical director.

“Importantly this process also allows us to maintain support and provide any guidance needed to improve standards during this challenging period.” 

When it comes to training and events, all face-to-face courses have been postponed until 1 June and the upcoming LIVE SOUTH activity has been cancelled.

Online technical learning tools are available to registered contractors via their customer portal, and to the industry via social media channels. These will be enhanced moving forward with more information being shared in the coming days.

For more details on NICEIC’s response to Covid-19, visit


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