Ellis adds to its export expertise

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Cable cleat manufacturer Ellis has added to its team of export experts by appointing Helen Anderson as export sales executive. 

The team, which is headed by export sales manager, Kelly Brown, currently sells into over 40 countries around the globe through an extensive network of local distributors. Brown is already supported by export sales executive, Luke Berridge, and on the ground in Latin America by business development manager, Gabriela Castro. 

Anderson, who has a strong background in languages, joins Ellis from a Yorkshire power generator business, and had previously held sales and marketing roles for fashion houses in France. 

“Ellis’ reputation as a British manufacturer with a truly global stature goes far beyond the confines of the markets it operates in,” said Anderson. “In my experience, they are very much seen as the poster boys of British SME manufacturers making an impact on a world stage.” 

“Their products are world-renowned, their standing as industry innovators unrivalled, and their reputation completely deserved. I’m delighted to have been given the chance to join the team and am very much looking forward to this new and exciting challenge.”


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