LIA launches CPD recognition service

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The Lighting Industry Association (LIA) has launched a lighting-specific Continuing Professional Development (CPD) recognition service.

Since launching the Lighting Industry Academy, the LIA has been accepted by the University of South Wales as academic partners and now delivers the HNC and HND in Lighting Design and Technology. The LIA has also built a portfolio of new and redeveloped lighting courses, designed to meet the highest quality standards and follow academic best practice. 

The LIA is keen that the industry further benefits from the Academy and is now offering a new CPD service, which can be recognised at one of three levels:

  • The ‘Bronze’ level provides entry-level recognition of CPD for events, seminars, briefings or less formal training as a lighting-related activity and assigns CPD hours to its completion. 
  • The ‘Silver’ level applies a quality check of formal learning materials that are generic or non-lighting specific, or where technical content is provided by the manufacturer.
  • The ‘Gold’ level provides a ‘gold-standard’ recognition of high-quality learning within the lighting industry.

The LIA have worked closely with Ansell Lighting, to use the company’s course on smart lighting as a pilot for this new service. As part of that pilot, once recognised, Ansell successfully presented this CPD session as part of the LIA Lighting Academy at 2019’s Lux Live. 

The CPD material on smart lighting has been designed to provide guidance for professionals on the benefits of smart lighting and offer an understanding of the different technologies available.

If you would like to find out more about our CPD Recognition service, please contact the LIA Academy.


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