telent renews London CCTV contract

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 telent Technology Services Ltd has extended its CCTV maintenance contract with Transport for London (TfL) for an additional three-years.

Under the agreement, which telent has held since April 2015, it will continue to provide maintenance of more than 800 street-based CCTV cameras and associated operator interfaces in TfL’s control centre, offices and on London’s streets.

telent will also restore, upgrade and install CCTV equipment across each of the 33 London Boroughs on TfL’s road network. The contract extension will provide a highly scalable solution that will maintain the current operational performance and will reduce staff time for planning and inspection of the CCTV equipment.

telent was initially awarded the contract following a competitive process, where it provided the best value offering, taking over from the long-serving incumbent who had been in place for over 10 years. telent demonstrated a collaborative and flexible approach towards TfL’s asset management in the bid, which has continued into the day-to-day collaborative relationships telent has built with TfL’s team. 

“Based on our exemplary performance and collaborative approach, TfL is consistently operating above target and we are absolutely delighted to have renewed the partnership until 2022,” said Adam Scriven, account director London surface communications at telent. “As telent continues to provide high-performance, ultra-reliable and extremely efficient services for TfL, it’s critical that we are able to do so cost-effectively and our proven experience in asset management and extending the life of current equipment is what makes us a long-term partner of choice for TfL.” 



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