Energy Assets offers technical briefings to engineers

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Energy Assets is offering its meter installation engineers comprehensive technical and operational briefings to improve its offering to customers.

These ‘Toolbox Talks’ involve groups of up to 30 field engineers coming together to participate in a mix of functional, technical and safety-related learning sessions, led by the company’s operations, engineering, health and safety and compliance teams. 

Specialist installers from Automated Meter Reading (AMR) communications, gas and electricity metering teams meet with operations, audit, planning and health and safety managers in open forums to share best practice and discuss opportunities for improvement.

“Every member of the field installation teams will engage with their peers and their managers on a regular basis to receive business and technical updates from Energy Assets, including the sharing of best practices, health and safety refreshers and the introduction of any new technical processes,” said Marcus Wood, head of operations at Energy Assets.

“Ultimately, the aim is for our 130 operational engineers to share their experiences and benefit from new learnings to ensure we focus on exceeding our customer expectations in terms of quality and delivery to enhance the reputation of Energy Assets.”

The sessions are held in locations around the country and, aside from open forums, include formal elements such as PAT testing, audits and assessed training modules. Health and safety and compliance are always on the agenda.

“Since we started this structured engagement with the field teams, we have seen better dialogue across the business and a heightened understanding of how every part of the operation is connected – this has driven tangible improvements across a number of areas, many suggested by our engineers.”


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