Electrical earnings increase in June

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Weekly earnings for self-employed electrical contractors rallied last month, according to the latest figures released by Hudson Contract.

Analysis of June payroll data for more than 2,200 construction companies in England and Wales reveals a month-on-month increase of 6.4% to a weekly average of £1,118. The rise reverses the 5% fall seen in May.

Electricians are the third-best paid of all 17 construction trades covered by Hudson Contract. Only shop-fitters and plumbers had higher weekly earnings.

Contractors in the North East saw the biggest increase in weekly earnings in June, rising 20.5% to £911, followed by Wales, up 16.4% to £859, and the North West, up 13.8% to £812.

Electricians in the East of England enjoyed the best month in June, seeing their average earnings rise by 6.9% to £1,326.

Ian Anfield, managing director of Hudson Contract, said: “Self-employed electrical contractors are comfortably earning in excess of £1,100 per week, the equivalent of a £57,000 salary.

“This is an attractive reward for young people who want to learn the trade, be their own boss and enjoy the returns of being a valued supplier.

“Looking ahead, pent-up demand for new housing and the necessary wiring work will ensure that demand remains strong for skilled electricians.”

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