Morrison Utility Services receives Youth Friendly Employer charter

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Morrison Utility Services (MUS) has received the Youth Friendly Employer charter from Youth Employment UK. 

The presentation was made by Michael Tomlinson MP at an All Party Parliamentary Group meeting discussing youth employment at the House of Lords this week. 

Utility service provider MUS received the charter alongside the sector skills body Energy & Utility Skills and client Cadent. This accreditation recognises MUS’ commitment to working with young people to offer quality employment and rewarding career opportunities in utility services. The membership of Youth Employment UK brings MUS into contact with a large audience of young people who can help shape the approach in raising awareness of the utilities sector. It is also enabling the collaboration with employer members to inspire young people to pursue a career in utilities. 

In becoming a Youth Employment UK member, MUS is pushing forward support for EU Skills’ Inclusion Commitment. MUS was one of 32 companies to pledge support to the commitment when it was launched in February. EU Skills’ research shows an increasing youth gap; only 8% of the sector’s workforce is currently under 24, compared to 12% nationally. 

MUS HR director Colin Jellicoe commented, “We work hard to provide excellent career paths for young people in our business. We also make time to go out into the community to explain the sheer variety of opportunities on offer; our schools workshops and work experience placements offer the chance to see where young people can realise their full potential and enjoy a fulfilling, life-long career in the utilities sector.” 


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