Energys Group to deliver LED lighting upgrades for NHS Trusts

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Energys Group, a UK-based energy efficiency solutions provider, has announced it has been selected to deliver LED lighting upgrades at a number of NHS Trusts and NHS Foundation Trusts. 

Energys Group won the projects – which includes the supply and installation of LED technology  through a competitive tender process. The company is approved by the Essentia Framework (for NHS LED lighting) and is also an approved supplier under the YPO Framework. Both frameworks provide a free service to NHS Trusts, to support the entire process from bidding for the grant monies through tendering the work and delivery of the solution.

The funding for the LED upgrades has been made available by NHS Improvement, which is set to inject up to £46m of Public Dividend Capital (PDC) to the NHS Energy Efficiency Fund (NEEF) in a bid to drive direct energy efficiency in the NHS.

The NHS’ estates teams are motivated by multiple drivers for the lighting upgrades; LED lighting will provide better quality lighting for both patients and staff, as well as reducing maintenance and energy costs, and cutting carbon.

Kevin Cox, managing director at Energys Group commented, “The NHS faces a sizeable challenge if it is to meet its carbon reduction targets. We are delighted to be part of the solution. Our company has already proven it is capable of handling large-scale multi-site lighting projects. We believe this experience is why we have now been selected by several NHS trusts to help reduce their carbon and energy bills as well as deliver a cut to maintenance costs.  It is important to note that this kind of investment in NHS built infrastructure frees-up much-needed funds which can be put directly back into front line services.”



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