Why all the fuss, asks Metrel?

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The current spat between tester manufacturers over the suggested need for voltage drop measurements and power quality in the 18th Edition amendment 1 is unfounded according to Metrel.

“Users of Metrel’s multifunction testers are having difficulty understanding the spat between some of the other manufacturers,” commented Brendan Beaver, sales manager at Metrel, electrical test solutions provider.

The spat in question, is over the recent exchanges concerning the need for voltage drop measurement capability which have appeared in the media, at exhibitions, within on-line forum sites, and in printed statements distributed amongst the wholesaler community.

“So what if the 18th Edition’s amendment 1 does or does not require the ability to perform voltage drop measurement and power quality analysis.”

“When the regulations do change, be it Amendment 1 or Amendment 2, Metrel users will have been ready for some time. In fact, when the concept of voltage drop was introduced in the 17th Edition Amendment 3, Metrel engineers responded and introduced the function to their multifunction testers.”

This modification showed the benefit of using modern display technology. Introducing the new tests was relatively easy with the dot matrix displays. It was a matter of changing the firmware and designing new screen layouts for the user interface. The use of a touch-screen display meant no restriction due to the use of rotary switches. 

Our engineers are not limited by the old-fashioned custom LCD displays and rotary switches, so they can respond rapidly to changes of regulation. 

Metrel customers are the winners as they can be assured that their testers are future-proofed.


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