All that glitters IS gold..

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MP for Huddersfield, Barry Sheerman recently visited CEF’s electrical waste site with the aim of educating people in the recycling of such equipment under the WEEE regulations. 

His visit came after a group of local children visited the facility to work on the need for young people to understand how, as a society, we manage waste. 

A fact I was unaware myself is there is more gold in a tonne of electrical waste than a tonne of raw gold ore – a valuable resource I would think Joe Public should perhaps be more aware of, and the positive implications that arise from this. CEF is the only electrical wholesaler in the country with its own recycling facility, run by Electrical Waste Recycling Group (EWRG). 

Sheerman said: “There’s also an issue of geographical disparity we must overcome. Some areas are innovative in their waste recycling, while others have a long way to go to catch up. 

“I absolutely feel education holds the key to addressing both issues. By encouraging school children and students to visit sites like this one and see the process for themselves, the next generation will be aware not only of the significant environmental impact of their electrical waste, but of its potential value.” 

An interesting exercise in emphasising the importance of recycling? I would like to think so.

Elinore Mackay

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