Presentation at Parliamentary Sustainability Group

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Recolight CEO, Nigel Harvey, has been invited to present at a meeting of the All Party Sustainable Resource Group.  The meeting takes place on 19 July at the House of Commons.  The discussions will feed into UK strategy on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).  There are already EPR systems in the UK covering WEEE, batteries, and packaging.  But government is now considering if, and how to set up systems for new product groups.

Nigel Harvey will discuss the operation of current systems, and the importance of maintaining producer oversight of producer responsibility legislation.  He will also discuss the need for better controls and enforcement of non-compliant sales through online marketplaces.  Representatives from WRAP, TechUK, and REPIC will also be speaking at the event.

Defra is expected to publish its resources and waste strategy towards the end of 2018.  It is widely anticipated Extended Producer Responsibility will feature prominently.  EPR is increasingly seen as a way of funding the collection and treatment of waste, and of encouraging the adoption of circular economy principles. 

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