Joint update on advanced physical layer for industrial ethernet

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Organisations are cooperating to promote developments for industrial ethernet to expand use of EtherNet/IP, HART-IP and PROFINET into hazardous locations in the process industry

The organisations FieldComm Group, ODVA and PI (Profibus & Profinet International) joined together to provide an update on developments that are underway to realise an advanced physical layer for ethernet that can be used in process automation and instrumentation to connect field devices in remote and hazardous locations, commonly referred to as ³APL.²  The organisations were joined by representatives from suppliers of process instrumentation and controls in order to provide a well-rounded perspective on the benefits of an advanced physical layer for end users in the process industries, as well as discuss the actions being taken to complete the work needed to realise APL in process field devices.  

The organisations announced the publication of a joint white paper, Ethernet to the Field, which lays out the vision and timeline for realisation of an Ethernet technology suitable for use in remote and hazardous locations founding in the process industries.  The organisations foresee the first Ethernet-connected field devices for use in hazardous locations should appear in 2022.  To achieve this result, the organisations are seeking to leverage the work currently underway in the IEEE 802.3cg Task Force, which is developing amendments to the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard for an Ethernet physical layer operating at 10 Mb/s over single-pair cable. Because of good progress for the specification of the long-reach solution (10BASE-T1L), it is planned that the IEEE 802.3 standard will include 10BASE-T1L by the end of 2019.



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