Building better homes faster

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BSRIA’s Building Better Homes Faster 2 event took place on Friday 12 January 2018. Key messages included: culture, challenges and clarity (3Cs). 

Tassos Kougionis, principal consultant for residential (BSRIA Chair) Kougionis discussed current housing construction challenges and opportunities. Main areas of focus included increased delivery, quality and the robustness of the supply chain. 

With a government’s aim to increase housing supply to 300,000 new homes per year, Kougionis argued industry must enter a new era of technology, data collection and advanced standards. Maintaining high standards is critical to safe guarding the health and well-being of the occupants, as well as to achieving a good reputation for new homes, he said.

He highlighted the then recent government cabinet reshuffle saw another new housing minister in post – the third in a year – which industry has to work with. Changes are unavoidable, but where do we stand as a sector and what are we trying to achieve? Where is our initiative and pride in the job? 

Barry Turner, director of technical policy, LABC, discussed key findings in the Building Regulations and Fire Safety Review – Interim Report.

Turner kicked off by mentioning previous changes in Approved Documents and how the industry reacted to these – where the amendments appropriate? He added that the current regulatory system for ensuring fire safety in high-rise and complex buildings is “not fit for purpose”, and that any changes need to be considered holistically to avoid knock-on effects.



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