Next steps for a smart and flexible electricity network in the UK

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Morning of Tuesday 12 December 2017, central London

This seminar will discuss policy priorities, and regulatory challenges, for establishing a smart electricity network in the UK.

As we expect discussion on the priorities for electricity generation, particularly for decarbonising supply through the expansion of clean energy sources, we thought it might be of interest.

The seminar will bring together stakeholders with key policymakers to examine the Government’s Smart Systems and Flexibility Plan, with its proposals to reduce barriers to increasing energy storage capacity, and to put homes and businesses in greater control of energy usage – with the aim of reducing overall costs.

Delegates will consider what Ofgem’s decision to legally separate the function of the system operator within the National Grid means for responsibility for the overall management of the network. They will assess the options for asset management innovation, looking in particular at the future role of Distribution Network Operators, and innovation programmes such as the Future Power Systems Architecture 2 (FPSA2). Discussion is also expected on the opportunities for network control system developers, installers and infrastructure suppliers in the wider integration of smarter management and monitoring systems in the distribution and transmission network.

Further sessions will examine the government’s decarbonisation aims, including the potential co-location of storage solutions to overcome technical issues, such as intermittency.

Areas for discussion include:

The policy and regulatory environment for implementing the Government’s aims of developing a smart and flexible energy system;

Challenges for managing the demands of homes and businesses on the grid, and the potential impact of the increased use of smart technologies and electric vehicles;

Prospects for reducing costs for the end-user through policy measures and reviews of network charging options;

Opportunities for grid-level innovation, asset management, commercialising energy storage and integrating low-carbon generation; and

The priorities for forward planning and system change, and the future role of the system operator.

 Taking part are: David Capper, deputy director and head of electricity systems, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

Eric Brown, head of innovation, Energy Systems Catapult

Professor Keith Pullen, Professor of Energy Systems, City, University of London

Stewart Reid, head of DSO and Innovation, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks


with further contributions from:

Dr Graham Oakes, Upside Energy; Dr Patrick Sheehan, ETF Partners and Liz Warren, SE2

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