Entry-level OTDR

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Yokogawa is adding an entry-level model, the AQ1000, to its range of OTDR (Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer) test instruments. 

The new instrument joins the existing mid-range AQ1200 series and the high-end AQ7280 series, and is specifically designed to increase the productivity of field personnel working on the installation and deployment of optical access networks such as Fibre to the Home (FTTH): the so-called ‘last mile’ to consumers’ premises.

“The worldwide use of these optical access networks is increasing dramatically as telecom operators lay new FTTH network structure is to cope with increase in consumer demand for “super-fast” broadband and high definition TYV services ”, says Terry Marrinan, vice-president, T&M Business Unit, Yokogawa T&M Europe and Asia Pacific.



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