Measurement, recording and analysis of all signals in PAC systems

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DANEO Control is the PC software for operating DANEO 400, the measurement and analysis system for power utility automation systems. The new version 4.00 of DANEO Control impresses with its new major features and enhancements.

Now users can observe instantaneous values live to quickly analyse and verify the wave form, and easily inspect phasors in a phasor diagram and identify predominant harmonics in a spectrum at first sight. Calculations can be created by combining signals with an op- erator (+, −, ×, ÷, %) and used for recording, triggering, observation and analyzing. Furthermore, quality attributes in IEC 61850 GOOSE and Sampled Values can be ob- served and supervised. This information can be used to trigger recordings on quality changes and get notified via email.

DANEO 400 covers a wide range of tasks in different applications, such as fault re- cording (classical and hybrid), verification of IEC 61850 communication, supervision of network traffic, and the assessment of network performance.

The user can keep track of what is going on in the substation by obtaining information on the operational status and communication. DANEO 400 records and analyses all conventional signals (voltages, currents, hardwired binary status signals) and mes- sages exchanged on the communication network in modern protection and automation systems with IEC 61850. It processes both digital and analog signals and provides in- formation to assess their proper co-ordination.

Using the innovative DANEO Control software, one or more DANEO 400 units can be easily configured and controlled. For controlling a single device, a selected feature set is also available via the built-in DANEO 400 web interface. The control can be safely performed over the substation communication network without impairing the function of the substation automation system (SAS).
Omicron electronics

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