Ex-Or positions itself for further growth with move to Honeywell’s Horsham facility

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Ex-Or, a manufacturer of lighting control solutions, has announced its plans to move to Honeywell’s development centre for building control systems at Springfield Road in Horsham, West Sussex.

The relocation of the customer service, research and development (R&D) and technical design and support teams from Haydock on Merseyside follows an excellent year of trading for the company and will help position it for further growth during 2017

This move supports an increase in demand from customers for integrated building controls, incorporating lighting and HVAC, and the facilities at Honeywell’s Horsham development centre provide an ideal infrastructure for technical development, support and service – all of which will offer huge advantages for Ex-Or’s global customer base.

Honeywell is already one of Horsham’s largest employers and Ex-Or’s presence in the town will allow it to take on even more people from the local area. 18 new positions are being recruited for roles ranging from customer service and technical support to sales, business development, and software and hardware engineering.

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