New models in engineering education

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A number of new Higher Education courses are springing up in the UK with one common feature – they are all appealing to a more diverse range of applicants. And with a need to encourage more women and under-represented groups into engineering these new courses are very welcome.

This free one day workshop organised by the Women’s Engineering Society will take place on 18 October at the Warwick Manufacturing Centre and will look at these various new models of engineering education. Our speakers will explore the different courses and ideas that are currently in the planning with a view to sharing best practice and creating a new type of inclusive engineering education.


Registration is required. Please click here.


10.00-10.30: Registration, Coffee & Tea

10.30-10.40: Welcome & Introduction

10.40-12.15: Session 1: New Courses in Engineering Education

•Keynote: The Accelerated Integrated Masters Liberal Engineer Degree (AIMLED) – a new approach to Engineering Education 

•Karen Usher – co-project Leader, NMiTE, Hereford

•Electronic Engineering 

•Dr Stefanie Kuenzel – Royal Holloway

•Humanitarian Engineering  

•Georgia Kremmyda – civil engineering degree leader, Warwick University

12.15-13.00: Lunch

13:00-14.15:Session 2: New Concepts in Engineering Education

•Big Ideas for Education

•Peter Finegold – Institution of Mechanical Engineering

•Integrated and Inclusive Mathematics in an Engineering Curriculum

•Carol Morris – Deputy head of school of engineering and innovation, Open University

•Women Into Engineering Courses

•Douglas Morrison – curriculum head, STEM Industry Academies, City of Glasgow College

14.15-14.45: Coffee & Tea

14.45-16:15:Session 3: Inclusion in Engineering Education

•The Emotional Rescue of Engineering Education: A Practical, Engaging Approach to Transformative Change

•David E. Goldberg – president, Big Beacon

•Tools for Teams to Improve Inclusion

•Dr Jan Peters – director, Katalytic

•Inclusive Engineering: a New Module for Undergraduates

•Dawn Bonfield – CEO, Women’s Engineering Society

16:15-16:30: Closing remarks

You may also be interested in watching this video:

For further details or to be included in the programme please contact Benjamin Palmer, WES Events Manager on [email protected].

We thank the Warwick Manufacturing Group for the use of its venue.


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