Smart plastics

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What are the sensing elements of smart plastics?

There are five tried and tested sensing systems that are used by isense for predictive maintenance to eliminate downtimes.

isense EC.W


The RFID chip (wear sensor) is built into the final cross bar of the energy chain. Based on the parameters of the installation, the measured condition of the energy chain and the data gained from thousands of tests, the isense EC.W signals the necessary replacement or repair requirements in good time.

isense EC.P

P(ush/Pull) – formerly the igus PPDS (Push-pull detection system)

Used to monitor the push/pull forces of energy chain over long travel distances. The EC.P is a combination of strain gauge (force monitoring, pull/ push force monitoring) and the isense EC.P (PPDS box) evaluation unit. The strain gauge is either fitted on the connecting element of the energy chain or integrated into the floating moving arm. Any fluctuations in force readings will be recognised.

isense EC.B

B(reakage) – formerly igus EMA

This sensing system indicates when there is a broken link, which could be due to obstruction by foreign bodies or vandalism. A plastic wire is mounted in the energy chain in special separators and linked to the sensor unit, which in essence is a potentiometer. The data from the sensor unit can either be read out by the isense EC.P evaluation unit or it can be connected directly to the customer‘s system on site.

isense CF.Q

Q (Electronic Conductor Quality)

This system is used to determine the service life of the chainflex cables laid in the installation. A cable is selected with two spare cores, which are then terminated in the isense CF.Q control unit. The conductive value of the wires are checked continually and compared with igus test data and the installation‘s parameters. Any anomalies will indicate the end of service life for the cable is approaching, thus enabling planning of cable replacement in good time before critical failure. Only one cable in the energy chain needs to be monitored so usually this would be the most critical cable.

isense DL.W


Used to detect the wear limit of drylin linear units when the wear of a linear guide has reached a level normally associated with replacement. A plastic element that has an integrated RFID chip (wear sensor), signals the need for replacement in good time.

How do the isense modules communicate data up through the enterprise?

The isense control units integrate seamlessly with the IT infrastructure via icom, the igus communication module. This makes automated continuous condition monitoring and predictive maintenance possible. An optional connection with the igus® data centre opens up the possibilities of automatic ordering of external maintenance crews or replacement parts – and this is where the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) comes to life.

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