Air and gas flowmeters introduced to UK

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Compressed air and gas pipework specialist, Teseo UK, has launched a complete range of flowmeters, sensors and monitoring systems for compressed air and technical gases.


Reducing air and gas consumption starts with identifying savings potential. With estimates that compressed air leakage can be up to 50% of industrial usage, an accurate monitoring process is becoming more and more important for production line and facilities managers.

The Teseo range of flowmeters and sophisticated yet simple-to-use measuring systems provides the complete picture to determine air consumption and output flow of compressor and treatment equipment. It provides all the data needed to assist in making the right decisions to optimise a compressed air system.

The flowmeters – the VP FlowScope product range – are backed by tested technology in use world-wide and carry a number of specific benefits.   First, they provide flow, pressure and temperature in a single device, providing greater simplicity for the end-user. Secondly, they feature unique Thermabridge sensor technology, which measures bi-directionally, allowing installation in a ring network and overcoming the problems some flowmeters experience where data reading can become confused by negative, partial and full-flows passing through the pipework. Thirdly, through a real-time energy monitoring system, users can see data and usage patterns for both supply and demand, linking all the utilities on-site and viewable on any platform from PC to smartphone.

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