The Lighting Industry Association – supporting a level lighting playing field in Europe

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The Lighting Industry Association’s (LIA) new 12,500 sq ft purpose built Laboratories have bid successfully and are undertaking testing as part of LightingEurope’s Compliant Lighting Initiative.


The objective of the Initiative is to support the placing of compliant lighting products on the European market through effective market surveillance, safe and good quality lighting products for consumers in Europe; as well as a level playing field and fair competition for industry players.

A significant number of lighting products, including those from LightingEurope members are being tested on behalf of the Initiative by various independent test laboratories in Europe including the LIA Laboratories.

The LIA’s Laboratories are purposely designed and ready to meet the global lighting industry’s practical testing and certification requirements and will be putting LED lamps from producers, importers or other label owners through their paces covering safety, photometric performance and life testing compliance, as part of this initiative.

In the case of non-compliance, affected manufacturers and distributors will be informed of the results with the request to take appropriate action. Product related allegations raised in the LightingEurope initiative will also be communicated if needed to the relevant national market surveillance authorities.

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