Light to become the backbone of Internet of Things

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As a specialist for innovative lighting components and systems, Tridonic has developed the toolbox net4more which will not only connect luminaires with each other, but deliver a value that goes far beyond lighting and become the backbone of IoT.

Where there are people, whether indoors or out on the streets, there is artificial light. In many of these luminaires there is still plenty of space for one or other digital sensor or microchip – after all, digital electronics is necessary for modern LEDs.

What’s more, since the luminaires need electricity, the power supply is already integrated.  There shouldn’t be any further concerns about cabling the individual sensors or changing batteries, which they would otherwise have to do every year or two or even more often – which in large buildings means a lot of work. Furthermore, luminaires are mostly installed on walls or ceilings and therefore in the best places for including sensors and communication with them along with connection to the access points for the internet can be either wireless or via the data cabling that is already in place.

Tridonic UK
01256 374300

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